马来西亚国旗又被称为“辉煌条纹”(马来语:Jalur Gemilang),是马来西亚的国家主权象征之一。
♥ 14道红白相间的等宽横条原代表马来西亚成立时全国的14个州,自新加坡在1965年独立後,又代表13个州属及联邦政府的平等关系。
♥ 红色象征着烈士们在抗战时期流下的鲜血。
♥ 白色象征着人民的纯洁与美德。
♥ 蓝色象征人民的团结及英联邦的关系。
♥ 新月图案象征对伊斯兰教的信仰。
♥ 十四芒星又名“联邦之星”,象征着马来西亚十三个州属与联邦政府联合、团结一致。
♥ 黄色为皇室的象征颜色。
Flag Of Malaysia
[I get below informations from : http://malaysiaflag.facts.co/malaysiaflagof/malaysiaflag.php]
The national flag of Malaysia, popularly called Jalur Gemilang ('Stripes of Glory'), features 14 equal-width horizontal stripes of red (top) alternating with white (bottom) with a blue rectangle in the upper hoist-side corner bearing a yellow crescent and a yellow 14-pointed star known as the Bintang Persekutuan (Federal Star).
♥ The 14 stripes, of equal width, represent the equal status in the federation of the 13 member states and the federal government
♥ 14 point-star represents the unity among the 13 member states and the federal government
♥ The crescent represents Islam, Malaysia's official religion
♥ The blue canton represents the unity of the Malaysian people
♥ Yellow is the royal color of the Malay rulers
♥ The colour white symbolises honesty and integrity.
♥ The colour red signifies strength, bravery and courage in facing challenges.
I bought Malaysia Flag's craft pack from MyRainbow, and started our simple National Day's craft session:
我在MyRainbow 购买了两套国庆日的简单手工配套,这一套是制作国旗的。现在就开始我们的手工时间:
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I draw out the guidelines for Chen, as she is still to young to do it all by own. 先帮孩子画出线条。 |
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Material list~ 基本工具 |
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for the stripes part, i guided her to measure, cut & paste. 线条方面可以进行“量,剪,贴”活动 |
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almost done 就快好咯~ |
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Final Step! 最后步骤! |
Malaysia National Flower 认识我们的国花
Next is to introduce our National Flower, Hibiscus (Bunga Raya) to my little girl. I could't get a real flower to show her, hmmm, is ok, just make a hibiscus craft first! And thanks for Mummy Winnie Chew who shared out her Bunga Raya's craft session photos, and i decided to do it too~
" The red colour of hibisucs signifies political and economic strength and courage in facing challenges while the 5 petals represents the '5 Prinsip-prinsip Rukun Negara', which is a declaration of our 5 Principles of Nationhood. The many varieties, colour, shapes and sizes of the hibiscus symbolise the different races, religion and multi-cultural background living harmoniously together."
I get above details from:
接下来我打算介绍我们的国花,大红花给小人儿。之前就一直在看看哪里可以看到真的大红花,可是一直没看到。直到最近看见Mummy Winnie Chew 分享了她和孩子的大红花手工环节照片,真是好极了,我马上就打印出来准备和小人儿也一起来进行~谢谢Mummy Winnie Chew的分享。
姑阿都拉曼选为国花。 Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) :
http://ow.ly/KNICZ Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) :
Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) : http://ow.ly/KNICZ
Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) : http://ow.ly/KNICZ
Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) : http://ow.ly/KNICZ
Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) : http://ow.ly/KNICZ
Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) : http://ow.ly/KNICZ
Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) : http://ow.ly/KNICZ
Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) : http://ow.ly/KNICZ
Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) : http://ow.ly/KNICZ
Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) : http://ow.ly/KNICZ
Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) : http://ow.ly/KNICZ
Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) : http://ow.ly/KNICZ
Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) : http://ow.ly/KNICZ
Flags of Different Countries 各国国旗
And this is another activity pack that i get from MyRainbow. It comes with different people & flags from different countries. For me, i feel this little girl still not really know what is "Country", what is "Malaysia", well, just try my best will do. And, we always mentioned about Singapore(which we brought her there before) and Japan (a fixed business trip location for Daddy) to Chen, so she knew that we need to travel then only can bring ourselves to both of the countries. Inside this card, we can see people from different countries (wearing on their traditional costume) , i pointed out every character and let her know where they are from.
这是另外一个我购自MyRainbow 的手工包。卡片里面有来自不同国家的人们,小朋友必须完成上色活动并贴上正确的国旗。在这些国家当中,新加坡(最靠近我们的国家,也带晨去过) 和日本(爸爸常出差的国家)是当中晨常听我们提起的。借着这个活动,让她知道每个国家在传统服饰上都有不同,也希望能让她对“国家” 有个概念。
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She could recognized our national flag after our simple national flag craft activity. 经过之前的国旗制作活动,小人儿已经可以认出马来西亚的国旗啦~接下来就是实物辨认,因为已经靠近国庆啦,在外就很容易看到国旗,所以当我看到时都叫她看看来让她熟悉自己国家的一切。 |
Simple tot school sessions from us, and i think Mummy Bear Lim will share out her details National Day's Activities with Eva soon (i saw her photo sharing on facebook) which is with more activities (and i'm looking forward for her sharing of great tot school materials also)~
这次的国庆主题Tot School, 我只准备了几个简单的手工活动。然后同时期看见Mummy Bear Lim 分享了很多和Eva的精彩国庆主题活动照。哈哈,相信Bear一定会和我们分享那些精彩教材,到时我再来继续和小人儿进行更多的爱国活动吧!
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