Basic content of this Letter I & J Learning Week is similar to Letter A&B, do refer to Letter A Learning Week Post, if you would like to get those free printable links. :)
基本内容都和字母A,B相同,这里就简单介绍一些另外添加的活动而已 。如果你需要打印教材的连接,请翻阅我们的字母A活动周介绍~
Combined Letter I&J. I was sick (coughing badly) from early of September until now. I got no MC to take, haha~ So life still have to going on as usual. But i got no energy to write post for blog, so combined I&J, i'm going to have a very short and brief post for both of the alphabets.
整个九月我都在咳,当然日子也是一样要过,tot school 也继续。但是都没什么碰到电脑,也没有精力写博文。仍未完全康复,但是再不记录,我大概也不会记录了。所以都只记录重点~哈哈!结合字母I&J 的重点文啦 ~
❥ I is for Ice, Ice Simple Science Experiments 和冰块有关系的实验
Simple experiments to show ice cubes melting speed in water with different temperature.
Little girl doing steps by steps followed my instruction and observed.
❥ I is for Ice, Ice Painting with Light Box
You may refer to DIY Light Box for more photos.
简单的活动材料: 冰块,颜料(红,蓝,黄),DIY Light Box。主要是让孩子在灯光下观察颜料混色的变化。部分照片在这里: DIY Light Box
We spent more than 1 hour for this simple activity. And this little girl do handprint happily and press her palm on the top of the lightbox~
❥ Letter J Puffy Paint Play
Trapped inside home due to serious haze condition. Bored lil gal kept
requested for outdoor activities(normally we will have some outdoor
activities every evening), but of course rejected by mum~ No outdoor
activities, but we tried out something new, ok? Puffy paint, which i
finally prepared for her.
All purpose flour 1 cup
(I used super fine flour which already expired)
Water 1 cup
Salt 1/2 tsp
Mixed well and add in food coloring, ready!
All purpose flour 1 cup
(I used super fine flour which already expired)
Water 1 cup
Salt 1/2 tsp
Mixed well and add in food coloring, ready!
We put the drawing inside oven, microwave [40s or longer time] it until dry will do.
Lil gal said, Mummy, this is really fun!
After she finished her first batch of paint, and i prepared second
batch for her to continue. And, i add in 1/2 tsp baking powder. And the
result looks more puffy after microwave. But anyway, i feel no need to
add in baking powder, follow original recipe will do.
Happy trying if you are trapped indoor due to haze also!
Happy trying if you are trapped indoor due to haze also!
很简单的home play, 看别人玩了很多次,我不知道为什么我一直没有玩Puffy Paint。最近霾害很严重,常困在家,突然就想到Puffy Paint了。很神奇的上色活动,微波炉叮叮后颜料就干了。小人儿很喜欢~
面粉 1杯
水 1杯
盐 半茶匙
❥ J is for Jam
Jam spreading art~
涂上自己喜欢的果酱 (小人儿说是草莓还有橙)
❥ J is for Jellyfish
Jellyfish artcraft
Made from transparent plastic bag, do you know what is that?
Can you see the lovely jellyfish inside? I can't get an even surface bottle, so quite difficult to take clear picture. But you may refer to link below to make a jellyfish observation bottle like this, it is really interesting~ Refer here to make your jellyfish ~
你看到我们饲养的“水母”吗?我没有表面平滑的瓶子,所以拍照起来不清楚。但是你可以试试,这个很有趣。当你翻转瓶子时水母就会徐徐升起。把触手的部分再剪细一些,效果会比较好。待我找到合适瓶子再做一个~但是这个已经让小人儿欣赏把玩好久~ 点击这里查阅如何制作水母观察瓶。
❥ J is for Jelly
Jelly Sensory Bin with Light Box
Sensory bin is good in encouraging children to observe, feel, and touch on particulars that they seldom handle with during their daily life.
Chen used to be a baby who really dislike and refused to play with sand , beans, or whatever she never tried before. After seeking advice from Mummy from Funplay Parent Child Studio 玩fun天亲子馆, i decided to have more sensory related activities with this little gal. Sensory bin is one of the useful selection. And after continuous trial on sensory play, she finally overcome it and enjoyed a lot in messy play now. And with light box, children can concentrate on the object inside and help them to observe too.
Jelly inside sensory bin is really pretty and attractive. With few simple moulds and tools, we played for more than one hour. You may try it too!
今天初尝试 Jelly Sensory Bin, 想象这些Jelly透光应该很漂亮,所以就配合 DIY Light Box一起进行。我给小朋友几个迷你的饼干模型,和一些汤匙就让她自行探索。间中我也让小朋友用手去按压 jelly, 感受一下 jelly的 texture。同时也叫她比较 jelly和模型的硬度,看看哪一个是硬的,哪一个是软的。整个探索进行了一个小时多,小朋友还是不肯停止~Sensory Bin 真是小朋友们的最爱啊~
![]() |
To touch and feel 感受Jelly的硬度 |
** | All Rights Reserved | NOT for Re-Sale | Files are for personal use ONLY | Please share the link to the blog and NOT the files, thank you! And for others resources that we get from others, we already linked it to the original post~ thanks all for sharing!
教材里面有些图片是取自网络,所以我们的打印教材只供个人用途,不能够转售或作商业用途~欢迎分享我们的教材,但是记得是连接到我们的部落格或面书,而非直接连接至教材哦~谢谢当中我们也提到了一些很好的资源,我们已经在文内直接连接至资源本文啦!也谢谢大家的分享! ^^
Click here for quick reference list of our alphabets learning (From A to Z)
[we attached the list at the end of our Letter Aa post]
Click here for quick reference list of our alphabets learning (From A to Z)
[we attached the list at the end of our Letter Aa post]
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