We will try to introduce CNY to our little ones in simple ways, but of course, most of the material is get from internet, and we will share our study result with all of you~ :) And today will share the story of the 12 Chinese Zodiac Animals with you (simple version which suitable for young toddlers)
The story of the 12 Chinese Zodiac animals 十二生肖的由來
English Version
Once upon a time, Jade Emperor wanted to find an easy to calculate the years. He decided to hold a competition between the animals for crossing the river.
He said,“The first 12 animals to arrive at the finish line will make up the new years calendar. ”The news was announced to all animals.
Among all of them, the cat and the rat were good friends. Every day they played together. Their life was very happy.
On that day, the black cat said:“I'm afraid of the water and I can't swim." The water ox said :"I can't see very well and I can't tell the direction."
The little rat listened and then told them:"Le's help each other." The water ox agreed to help the cat and the rat cross the river.
When the ox arrived half way across the river, the cat pointed at the other side and said: "Look! They still haven't crossed the river, I'm sure I'll be the first."
The cat didn't even get to finish his sentence, when the rat pushed him off into the water.
The rat laughed and said: "Oh, I'm sorry, my brother the cat. Now, I'm certainly the first!".
The ox didn't pay attention and continued to swim. When they arrived at the shore, the little rat jumped off the ox and ran happily towards the finish line.
The ox ran and arrived second. Next was the tiger, and the little rabbit quickly followed. The dragon came from within the clouds and announced: "I'm coming".
As the horse arrived at the finish line, a snake suddenly appeared from the grass, making the horse and the sheep jump in horror.
The monkey, the chicken, and the dog quickly ran to the finish line. The competition was about to end.
Jade Emperor said:"rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken and the dog are the 11. Who's going to be the last one?" At that time, a very fat pig came running in and announced: "I'm starving!"
Jade Emperor was about to announce the 12 winning animals, when the black cat arrived. He said: "I'm sorry, you get here too late. The game is over."
The cat was so angry and said: "That's the rat's fault. I will never forgive him". From that day, the cat wants to bite the rat, and the rat fears the cat.
他說: 「最先抵達的十二隻動物將成為計算年份的方式。」
當水牛游到河中央時,貓指著河的另一邊說:「你看! 他們都還沒過河,我想我會是第一…。」
猴、雞和狗也迅速地抵達終點線。 比賽已將近尾聲。
貓生氣的說:「都是老鼠的錯,我永遠不會原諒它的。」 從那天起,貓捉老鼠,老鼠怕貓。
I used my very own way to tell the story (as i really worry she can't understand what i'm trying to explain~). I created a Sensory Story Bin for the story of the 12 Chinese Zodiac Animals. And below are the details:
其实要解释这些民间故事是很具难度的,所以我只打算先大略的把故事说给她听。然后突然有个想法是把这个民间故事的主要内容(12生肖过河)放入Sensory Bin内,那么应该比较有趣吧?!
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Well girl, maybe you don't like this to take photo, but i'm sorry, this is part of mummy's job~ 好啦,这是这次Sensory Story Bin的内容还有一个又被妈妈叫来拍照的小朋友~ [其实基于她不爱拍照,所以我只是要拍物品而已。怎么知道我说,来,妈妈拍照一下,她就自己“埋位~” XD] |
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Well, our 12 Chinese Zodiac need to cross this "River" XD 这是故事里的“河” |
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1. First of all, let her do matching activity between picture and word. 一。配对游戏:将生肖图案和字配对。间中我开始告诉她,12生肖是我们中华民族用来代表年份的十二中动物~今天我们就要来听12生肖的故事。 |
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Matching in progress 配对游戏进行中 |
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2. Started our story session, and let her put all the Chinese Zodiac inside the "river" 二。开始说故事咯,首先先把十二生肖都放入“河”内吧~然后继续故事 |
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Completed! And i let her to do matching with those vinyl figures miniatures which we have. 完成后我再让她将图案和部分我有的的模型配对。 |
I do let her know what is her Chinese Zodiac and also what is our family member's Chinese Zodiac at the same time. Just for introduction, at least let her know about this story~
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年的故事 The Story of Nian
I just went through a normal story telling session about Nian. I printed out the material from page below:
After the story telling session, she told me monster Nian don't like red. She asked her dad to act as Monster Nian and attacked her. She said: "red,red", then the monster have to run away~ Well, it is proven that she could understand the story?! XD
我从以上网页将年的故事打印出,然后念给晨听。她要求我念了两遍。故事结束后,爸爸入房。晨竟然叫爸爸扮“年”来攻击她,然后她大喊:“红色,红色”,爸爸就扮害怕逃走~ 这,代表她把传说听了进去吗?无论如何,在旁的我已经笑翻了~ XD
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Oh My Goat! Making Of Triangle Felt Goat Chinese New Year Decoration 三角形不织布羊羊新年装饰
Last night my husband told me that his spring couplets will look nicer if he can get another small decorative items beside. Hmmm, then i suddenly think of something... Before this i do plan to make "Triangle Goat" together with Chen, but keep delaying due to laziness~ Maybe, now we can make for daddy! ^^ This is an super easy CNY decorative DIY craft then you can do together with your little ones, and we do counting, compare size, play with triangle shape, color recolonization activities during the making process also! My girl likes her own goat very well, maybe you can do it together with your little ones also?! :)
昨夜先生说他的春联旁如果可以加多两个小装饰应该会更好看。我之前其实就有了利用三角形来制作羊图案的念头,或许,现在可以动手了?! 这个活动很简单哦,我只用了不织布就完成了。制作的时候我们还一起数数三角形的数量,比较大小,认颜色,一举多得~ :)
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Triangle Triangle, and let's count how many triangle that we have and what is the color~ 都是三角形~然后数数共有几个及认认颜色 |
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Big & Small 学习大小 |
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Easy CNY craft with simple preparation job, you can use paper to replace felt material also. 很简单的新年手做,如果没有不织布可以用颜色纸来进行 |
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My lovely Goat! 童趣羊!^^ |
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Tada~ 我们今年的新年有童趣味~ :) |
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Next coming is something actually out of my plan~ I saw my dear friend Min Min shared what she done together with her son, Bobo:
Tada~ I love this lively lion dance puppet very much! Oh ya, and i never forget about our readers(maybe have?! XD) so i asked for the permission from Mummy Min Min Sam in order to publish her super nice craftwork on our Ibabiesclub's FB Page~ And thanks a lot to this lovely mummy, she immediately sent over all the details to us~ Thanks Min MIn! ^^ And i'm going to publish all the details in another post, do click on link below for details!
这是号外篇~日前看到了好友MIn Min 在脸书Po了和孩子博博一起完成的舞狮手作挂饰,就是上图的那只神气舞狮啦!超神气的,又略带可爱~我是十分喜欢!然后自己也完成了一个(但是不太神气,哈哈!),但因为我都是用自己家里剩下的材料来变通,所以想说不太容易介绍给大家。没关系,赶快联络Min Min去~她当然是很乐意啦,还为我准备了高象素流程图,真是太好了!几经考虑,我还是在照片上放了原著的名字(本来Min Min是让我放Ibabiesclub的水印啦~),毕竟这是Min Min的辛苦成品,还是要归还给她的~得到同意刊登我们已经很开心了~Min,谢谢你啦! ^^ 因为Min Min附上了详细解说,所以我决定给她另开一个新篇幅。点击以下链接就看到啦!
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Free Printable Activities ✿例行打印作业活动
It is just too good to have a Do-a-dot pen! XD
We used it for our CNY Theme activities today~
All the material are from this web page:
or you may visit to Ms.Bear Lim web site which also provided very interesting CNY free printable as well!
自从有了DIY Do-a-dot pen, tot school 就更加开心啦~因为小朋友是太喜欢了~ ^^
完成了第一个游戏后再要求进行第二个,整个欲罢不能就是! XD
[我们之前有分享了有关DIY Do a dot pen的制作资料,大家可以查看之前我们在FB的分享]
这些Free Printable是我老早前准备的~以下是网页,内有好多页,我选了一些适合的打印而已。
We used it for our CNY Theme activities today~
All the material are from this web page:
or you may visit to Ms.Bear Lim web site which also provided very interesting CNY free printable as well!
自从有了DIY Do-a-dot pen, tot school 就更加开心啦~因为小朋友是太喜欢了~ ^^
完成了第一个游戏后再要求进行第二个,整个欲罢不能就是! XD
[我们之前有分享了有关DIY Do a dot pen的制作资料,大家可以查看之前我们在FB的分享]
这些Free Printable是我老早前准备的~以下是网页,内有好多页,我选了一些适合的打印而已。
昨天,Bear Lim 又分享了一些她有关农历新年的Free Printable,哎呀!我已经印了一堆,不能再浪费了~不过还是要和大家分享好物!:)
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This is our DIY Do-a-dot pen, very low cost but the result is pretty nice~ 很让妈妈满意孩子又开心的自制Do-a-dot pen~ |
To Be Continue~
Ibabiesclub do have some CNY related activity/product, you may click link below for details:
Book Now Virtual Lunar new year celebration event for your remote teams with SOS. We have curated some of the best virtual activities, games, dance performances, and acts for your employees. All the activities are performed by professionally trained artists.