这个主题,好难。我做了好久的功课都无法收集到足够适合的游戏。当然,最终还是完成了,但是好像没有很精彩。 :p
ღ Creative Art ღ 创意时间
Handprint Art :GreenFrog 青蛙手印画
This is what Chen like most among all the activities.
Do refer to our previous post for details :
这个之前有详细介绍过 :
Let handprint art freezes the precious moment for you ♥ 手印画,把小手印留下~
ღ Creative Art ღ 创意时间
Vegetable Printing Art by Green Celery 芹菜按印画
Painting time, Again~ Yeah, i'm really ran out of ideas. XD
Very simple preparation job 简单的材料 |
Based on previous experience, i never expected she could follow my instruction, but surprisingly she made it again! :) 根据以往的经验,晨通常是脱缰野马,不会听从我的指示。但是经过好几个星期的Tot School后,我发现她开始能够接受指令了,这至少是好的开始。:) |
ღ DIY Puzzle ღ 自制拼图
Well, my girl is addicted to puzzle recently, so i tried to make a green theme puzzle for her. Anyway, the result is not good. My conclusion to DIY puzzle is, maybe it is limited to very simple type which is 2-3pcs puzzle. When i tried to make a 5-6pcs puzzle, i found it is too difficult for a toddler to go on with it. It was too light in weight, and don't have any frame to guide in fixing the position, it might be too challenging for a toddler.
最近晨很爱拍拼图,可以独自拍上一个小时(当然不是每次啦~),所以这次我就以青色为主题再次自制拼图。但是,结果是很不好用哦~之前制作的简单版拼图(2-3片),到今天晨偶尔还会拿出来玩。这次我是把图片分割成5-6片,来个进阶版,可是明显失败了~当片数多了,自制拼图就显得难以操控。在拼的时候很难被固定位置。然后晨完了一次后就头也不回的不再碰它~ =.=
最近晨很爱拍拼图,可以独自拍上一个小时(当然不是每次啦~),所以这次我就以青色为主题再次自制拼图。但是,结果是很不好用哦~之前制作的简单版拼图(2-3片),到今天晨偶尔还会拿出来玩。这次我是把图片分割成5-6片,来个进阶版,可是明显失败了~当片数多了,自制拼图就显得难以操控。在拼的时候很难被固定位置。然后晨完了一次后就头也不回的不再碰它~ =.=
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Green Bean Sensory Puzzle Box |
I tried to fix it with add on magnet on the back of the puzzle, but it is still difficult to be fixed on position. Hmm~~ i better give up on DIY puzzle~
ღ Tracing Activity ღ 小手操控训练
Match complete vegetables with its half tracing worksheet, anyway, Chen not willing or maybe not able to complete it, just simply draw on it~ Well, i have to keep it up first and try next round~
ღ At-Home Science : Color Mixing Experiment ღ 小小实验家: 颜色混合
I nearly forgot to do this experiment, until receive sweet reminder from Min~ ^^
I tried to use food coloring to make ice cube, and below are actually blue and yellow color ice cube that i made. I felt that it will confuse my girl as the yellow color maybe is really to dark and become orange~
Still can get green, but i decided to use watercolor to redo this experiment.
Yellow + Blue = Green!
ღ First Trial for Chopstick ღ 筷子初体验
I found these chopstick(which are presents from friends) during i tidy up my drawer and came out with this idea. Using chopstick require great dexterity and strong fine motor skills, but my intention was just let her to try out on this.
无意间找到了这两双筷子,然后有了这个想法,让晨开始接触筷子吧~然后快速把activity tray准备好。
This is first trial and of course she can't do it well. Anyway, she like this activity as well~
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During the period, i also let this little girl to help on mixing grains, this is another efficient method to keep this little girl busy while improving her eye-hand coordination.
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