Saturday 17 October 2015

颜色配对 ♥ matching color

He keep Put the 2 color Ice Cream with Pink to Red, and Red to Pink.

Keep asking me the color name for every morning.

Now is the beginning to let Yee learn coloring. Normally I had prepare some coloring for Yee to play and let him know the color name together too. Its time to let Yee try matching with different color. This time I using some picture to let Yee to easy identify and matching the color. If you like it can try download and play with them.


Sing color song with Yee

Normally I will put a song to attract him with the game. Luckily I found a Color Song in YouTube, so I match the game with the song during color matching time.
The lyrics similar like show in below (but got change some lyrics by Mum Yee). This song can learn color and new vocabulary.

带点音乐在学习里亿会更有兴趣,刚好在YouTube里看到一个color song就把它带进这个环节里,让他增添些色彩。
歌词大概是这样(这个以被亿的妈妈改篇了)。可以随时更改。这个可以让他学习到颜色,同时也能学习到新的词汇, 一举两得。

The Apple is Red Red Red
The IceCream is Pink Pink Pink
The Whale is Blue Blue Blue
The Apple is Green Green Green
So many colors, every where
Look at down all around
So many colors, every where
Look at down all around

YouTube:  Color Song
Color Matching Soft Copy:  Color Matching

1 comment :

  1. Hi may i know this activity suitable to how many months baby?thanx
