Wednesday 24 February 2016

在家学字母 Now i know my ABC's : Letter P

Letter P week activities  字母P的系列活动:

Basic content of this Letter P Learning Week is similar to Letter A&B, do refer to Letter A Learning Week Post, if you would like to get those free printable links. :)
基本内容都和字母A,B相同,这里就简单介绍一些另外添加的活动而已 。如果你需要打印教材的连接,请翻阅我们的字母A活动周介绍~

❥ Finger Tracing Activity 字母触感学习

Always is the first activity for our letter learning week to help our little girl on memorizing and recognize a new letter. You may check here if you are interested to get below Felt Alphabet Learning Set.


❥ P is for Pizza

I get the free printable from here

Letter Matching Game

❥ P is for Petals

You may check  the details on our previous post.

❥ P is for Paper Making

Saw some recycled paper making process sharing on Pinterest and it is not complicated as what i imagined. Materials and tools are what we have in our house as well, so it means i must make paper with my little girl under Letter P themed week~ :)


Materials & Tools needed

tear paper (any paper i think should be ok) into small pieces and put it into blender. The smaller you tear the paper now, the easier it will be on your blender later. Since you will squeeze all the water out of the paper pulp, you can’t really have too much water, so if the blender doesn’t move easily, add more water. Blend until you get the smooth pulp will do.

 Spread the pulp thinly and uniformly across the screen.

Layer a cloth diaper or towel on top to absorb the extra water, while also pushing the water through the screen into bowl below.
将干净的尿布或毛巾铺在上层 ,然后用手将水按压出来。
Ready for drying process.I just put it to dry naturally under direct sunlight.

Tada! Our very first handmade paper! :)
❥ P is for Pine cone

Pine cone and Elastic Bands Fine Motor Activity
Material : Pine cone and rubber band
Low cost activity at home~

❥ P is for Penguin

words matching activity using Movable Alphabet

❥ P is for Push Pins Play

❥ P is for Pattern

Pattern Practice
What comes next game by pushpin~
I prepared the question, and little girl answered by add on correct pushpin on required pattern. It is fun and easy! :)

Pattern学习环节。突然想到P is for Pattern,所以就用Push Pin简单的准备了题目,小人儿来回答~这个环节小人儿很买单,玩了一次还不够,还叫我换题目呢~

You may check my Pinterest for more Letter P related activities.

** All Rights Reserved | NOT for Re-Sale | Files are for personal use ONLY | Please share the link to the blog and NOT the files, thank you! And for others resources that we get from others, we already linked it to the original post~ thanks all for sharing!

教材里面有些图片是取自网络,所以我们的打印教材只供个人用途,不能够转售或作商业用途~欢迎分享我们的教材,但是记得是连接到我们的部落格或面书,而非直接连接至教材哦~谢谢当中我们也提到了一些很好的资源,我们已经在文内直接连接至资源本文啦!也谢谢大家的分享! ^^

Click here for quick reference list of our alphabets learning (From A to Z)

[we attached the list at the end of our Letter Aa post]

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