Tuesday 12 May 2015

Tot School (18) : Itsy Bitsy Spider Themed Home Play

Toddler Age : 2years 8 months +

Facing network problems recently, this gonna be another simple report type post [again] because i have to complete the post with minimum time~
最近我 使用的网路很有问题,长时间无法上线。所以,只好快快写完上载啦~

Sing Along Session

Yes, we definitely can't skip sing along session for our Itsy Bitsy Spider themed play week! And I compiled the lyrics with suitable picture from different web site, you may print out for personal use if you would like to introduce to your little ones.

我想,几乎每个孩子都喜欢听童谣吧!晨也不例外,当中这首Itsy Bitsy Spider是她也很喜欢的一首童谣。最近我很喜欢在Home Play周加入Sing Along环节,以下是我所准备的歌词。

Art Session : Spider Web Art

I saw the post of Spider Web Art from Pinterest. I like it very much and thinking on introduce to Chen during Itsy Bitsy Spider Week. Honestly I worried that Chen will just reject to complete the coloring task [actually I found that she doesn't keen on coloring activity]. So I prepared a mini version [ 5 inches x 5 inches ] spider web for her. And surprisingly she completed the coloring session by her own.

Below I'll show you how I draw the spider web.
在 pinterest 看到这个spider web art,自己很是喜欢,但是考虑到晨晨大概没有耐心完成上色,所以一直很犹豫要不要让她尝试。后来,还是做了个迷你版的。结果出乎意料,晨晨分两次独自将它完成。这是晨第一次接近独立完成的作品呀~第二次继续时还对我说,妈妈等一下,我涂完才吃饭~结果真的上完色并主动收拾颜色笔,这是罕见的动作~希望好耐性及好习惯可以继续下去。

Art Session : Pipe Cleaner Spider

Simple spider craft from pinterest again~ Get this spider craft idea from preschoolpowolpackets.
每次都喜欢从Pinterest里模仿别人的作品,这个Pipe Cleaner蜘蛛亦是。
Art Session : Spider Handprint
Bunny Rescue ( Cutting Practice )
Cutting practice via bunny rescue activity.


Spider Feeding (Hula Hoop Spider Web)

Use sellotape and hula hoop to prepare spider web

Use Pom Pom Balls for feeding session. Picture below was taken after finised our feeding session and Chen collected all the pom pom balls from the web. I hanged this hula hoop from the celling and let Chen try to jump and feed the spider


Part of an insect Puzzle Play

Get the copy from Gift of Curiosity, and I like this puzzle game very much as I can introduce spider's body part to Chen while playing. Anyway, she may not really understand but this is kind of exposure for her to know more about insect.

Slightly modified the playing method as I prepared one set of spider puzzle only.


→ roll the dice → build the body part according to the number rolled on the dice → repeat until you complete your spider puzzle

接下来是要介绍这个我个人很喜欢的蜘蛛身体部分拼图游戏。这个游戏你可以从这里{Gift of Curiosity}打印出来。因为只有晨一个人参与,所以我大略修改了游戏方法。
→ 掷筛子 → 根据你得到的号码来拼 →重复直至完成蜘蛛全图
Do-a-Dot : Letter S

I used dot magnet for this activity, and you may replace it with dot stickers, coloring, push pin or any suitable tools on hand.

Spider Web Lacing Activity

Materials : paper plate (punch holes), lacing line
And just let your little one to do free lacing to form the web!
材料很简单的穿蜘蛛网活动。只须准备纸盘(打洞),和绳线即可。然后让孩子们自由穿线来形成自成一格的蜘蛛网吧! ^^

Of course I also printed out others spider related worksheet from Chen, you may get it from 3 Dinosaurs.com if interested. Enjoy your tot school session!
** All Rights Reserved | NOT for Re-Sale | Files are for personal use ONLY | Please share the link to the blog and NOT the files, thank you! And for others resources that we get from others, we already linked it to the original post~ thanks all for sharing!
教材里面有些图片是取自网络,所以我们的打印教材只供个人用途,不能够转售或作商业用途~欢迎分享我们的教材,但是记得是连接到我们的部落格或面书,而非直接连接至教材哦~谢谢当中我们也提到了一些很好的资源,我们已经在文内直接连接至资源本文啦!也谢谢大家的分享! ^^

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