Thursday 7 May 2015

Tot School (17) : BeachTheme Home Play 好玩的沙滩主题周

Toddler Age : 2years 7 months +

April was rush, busy and full with unexpected issues for us. Anyway, finally we are back and looking forward for a better May~

Completed this theme play few weeks ago, again, this will be a brief record.

Most of the printable materials are from: 3 Dinosaurs
it came with many worksheets in each file, but i printed out those suitable pages only. Below are our activity photos.

四月就像多事之秋,所以迟迟没有来更新我们的活动.希望五月会充满朝气及希望的~好吧,赶快简单介绍之前进行过的沙滩主题周.大多数的教材取自3 Dinosaurs,我筛选了适合的打印出来而已。以下附上活动照片。

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2 Pieces Matching Puzzle & 9pcs Puzzle 2&9片拼图
--> Printed on A4 paper --> Pasted on recycled card  --> Cut out the puzzle
--> 打印在A4纸上 --> 贴在厚纸卡上  --> 剪裁出来即可

2pcs Matching Puzzle

9pcs Puzzle
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Matching Worksheet
--> Printed on A4 Paper  --> Laminate or Put in plastic file to turn it into reusable worksheet
-->打印在A4纸上  -->过胶或将教材纸置入塑料文件套里就是可重复使用的省钱兼环保的教材

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Which One is Different?
--> Printed on A4 Paper  --> Laminate or Put in plastic file to turn it into reusable worksheet
-->打印在A4纸上  -->过胶或将教材纸置入塑料文件套里就是可重复使用的省钱兼环保的教材

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Cutting Practice 剪刀练习
--> Printed on A4 paper --> Pasted on recycled card  --> Cut out
--> 打印在A4纸上 --> 贴在厚纸卡上  --> 剪裁出来即可
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Lacing Practice 穿线练习
--> Printed on A4 paper --> Pasted on recycled card  --> Cut out follow the shape  --> Punch Holes  --> Attach Lacing String
--> 打印在A4纸上 --> 贴在厚纸卡上  --> 剪裁出来即可  --> 打洞  --> 加上绳线即可
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Roll & Count Activity
How To Play:
--> Roll the DIY Dice  --> Stamp on the blank column according to what you get  --> Complete the steps until complete
-->掷筛子  -->根据你得到的图案盖上印章(任何你有的印章,如果没有可以用任何适合方式来代替,例如:贴上贴纸,上色等)-->重复直至游戏完成

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Art Session : Beach Ball & Sea Shell
手工时间 :沙滩球&贝壳

Beach Ball : Pom Pom Painting 沙滩球是绒毛球点点画
Sea Shell : Free Painting

Sea Shell Lacing 颜色干后再为贝壳进行穿线



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Do-A-Dot Activities
Chen seems bored with dot sticker practice, so we use push pin to replace dot stickers. And i showed to Chen how to use finger to trace the letter before Now she will do it every time after she completed any do-a-dot practice. Toddlers are sensory learners, through the practice can enhance her memory on the letter.

"The five senses (vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell) help us to receive and record information. If information is not recorded in our brains, we cannot recall it. Using the senses to record information is called Sensory Memory."
[from :]
小朋友明显的对圆形贴纸活动兴致乏乏,所以妈妈用大头钉来代替(于Daiso购入) 。之前几次的Do-a-dot练习后,我曾示范过如何用手指随着那些点滑动。通过这样的手指触摸,可以通过触感来加强记忆。小朋友现在每次完成Do-a-dot练习后都把手指放在圆点上滑动。

Prepared by Ibabiesclub:

Trace with finger

Letter S Do-A-Dot from 3 Dinosaurs
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Sing Along Session : A Sailor Went to Sea

If you are interested on what does the song sound like, you may check for here.

Prepared by Ibabiesclub:
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Playdough Session

I prepared dark blue & light blue playdough for Chen, tried to introduce her on dark color and light color.

improve memory on letter b by playdough
用粘土加深晨对b的记忆。为什么要一直重复做“加强记忆”这个动作呢?其实通过不同游戏不断重复这些,孩子们看似有玩没懂但其实都有在默默吸收的。之前进行过Bus Theme Play,我也觉得晨好像还不认得b。可是在做粘土时,我告诉她b代表beach, ball,她却突然问我,为什么没有巴士?啊,原来已经默默学会啦!所以妈妈们千万要坚持噢~ 

Well, that's all for Beach Theme Play and do enjoy your home play session too! :) 好吧,简短的介绍完这个主题的活动,我要继续赶欠下的稿件啦~

 ** All Rights Reserved | NOT for Re-Sale | Files are for personal use ONLY | Please share the link to the blog and NOT the files, thank you! And for others resources that we get from others, we already linked it to the original post~ thanks all for sharing!

教材里面有些图片是取自网络,所以我们的打印教材只供个人用途,不能够转售或作商业用途~欢迎分享我们的教材,但是记得是连接到我们的部落格或面书,而非直接连接至教材哦~谢谢当中我们也提到了一些很好的资源,我们已经在文内直接连接至资源本文啦!也谢谢大家的分享! ^^

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