Sunday 17 May 2015

BAS012 Felt Number Card Set ✎ 不织布数字卡套装

What is Felt Number Card?

I think most of our readers know about Montessori Sandpaper Letter. And this Felt Number Card is what we developed and modified according suitable resources on hand to achieve the same function just as sandpaper letter.

Montessori materials are designed to foster a multi-sensory approach to learning, and the Sandpaper Letters are a perfect example of this methodology. The Sandpaper Letters allow the child to understand writing before they can hold a pencil. The Child uses three of the five senses; tactile, auditory, and sight to learn the sound and formation of each letter. Normally, the letters of the alphabet, cut out of sandpaper and mounted on thick cardboard on wood. Child traces on the letter to gain a muscular memory of the shape of the letters as a prelude to writing. And of course we can apply the same concept on Number as well.

And we like this preschoolers educational tool very much. After study and seek advice from super mummy Bear Lim, finally we came out our first Felt Number Set. As normal, carried out sample testing by Chen again, and result is positive~

Thanks Mummy Bear Lim for advice given. Sharing is caring, this is what we learnt from this sweet mummy.




产品开发过程大概如下。一开始是打算开始准备介绍phonics给孩子,可是很多困惑,不知如何开始。就私下联络了乐于分享的 Bear Lim,然后在不断讨论中慢慢演变成,先制作砂纸字母卡。可是我觉得砂纸字母卡制作有点高难度(对我而言~),然后就继续搜寻资料,继续思考,终于有了这个不织布字母卡。还是让晨先测试,反应良好,所以我们也开始着手筹备准备介绍给大家。

Below are the details of this Felt Number Card Set. 以下就和大家分享产品详情。

Material List 配套内容:
Felt Number Card 不织布数字卡 (color is different from batch to batch and will be randomly distribute, may not be same as in sample pictures in this post. 不织布的颜色会依批次改变及随机发货,或许会和本篇文内的照片不同。

Counting Card 数数练习卡
Accessories 配件 (wooden clips, 2 set of buttons in different design )
and accessories set is different from batch to batch and will be randomly distribute, may not be same as in sample pictures in this post. 配件配套会依批次改变及随机发货,或许会和本篇文内的照片不同。

Skill Builders for 有助于 :

pre-writing training for number, counting practise, fine motor skills, hand eye coordination skill

学习数目字,数数练习,精细动作技能发展, 手眼协调

How to Play 使用方法:

finger-trace number 0-9 用指尖学习(触感)0-9

one to one correspondence practise by fill in dots beside with accessories given 一对一对应
Counting Card : Count & Clip (or show the answer with put on accessories given) 数数练习并将正确答案标记。

In preschool, math learning is all about counting, number recognition, and one-to-one correspondence. And this Felt Number Card Set already cover up what you need for above skill building~


Counting Card + Felt Number Card + Accessories = BAS012 Felt Number Card Set
不织布数字卡 + 数数练习卡 + 配件 = BAS012 不织布数字卡套装

Counting Practise Cards from Ibabiesclub

You may let your toddlers using a clothespin to clip on correct answer, as clothespins are great to strengthen fine motor skills for kids.

Accessories 配件 (wooden clips, 2 set of buttons in different design )and accessories set is different from batch to batch and will be randomly distribute, may not be same as in sample pictures in this post. 配件配套会依批次改变及随机发货,或许会和本篇文内的照片不同。

one to one correspondence practise by fill in dots beside with accessories given. We add in correspondence quantity of dots which match with the number on card to enhance the learning function.  我们特别加入了相等数量的圆点在旁,让一对一对应练习也可以同时进行。  

finger-trace number 0-9 用指尖学习(触感)0-9

Thick Felt Number Card that easier for kids to hold it

Cool & Steady Combination
[color is different from batch to batch and will be randomly distribute, may not be same as in sample pictures in this post. 不织布的颜色会依批次改变及随机发货,或许会和本篇文内的照片不同。]

Counting Card + Felt Number Card + Accessories = BAS012 Felt Number Card Set
不织布数字卡 + 数数练习卡 + 配件 = BAS012 不织布数字卡套装

 Copyright © 2015 Ibabiesclub. All rights reserved.

If you are interested on this, do email us : 若想订购可以通过电邮联络我们哦~

 just fill in our order form here /你也可以点击这里提交订购单哦 :

Product Code 产品编号: BAS012

Product Price :  RM45.00
Courier Fee [Pos Laju, 170g] : WM RM7 ; EM RM10

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