Tuesday 23 June 2015

HomePlay : No Cost/Low Cost Toddler Activities at home 零花费/低花费的幼童活动 (1)

Followed few mummies on instagram (or sometimes ideas from Pinterest), and they always share their effort on using recycled materials, or materials from daily life for totschool activities. I like those activities very much, and share with you all too~


Spot the different找出不同处

Followed mummy @senapiril from instagram and i like the activities that she prepared. Simple and always with material from daily life. This is spot the different activity which inspired by mummy senapiril. Material list: recycled paper, marker pen, and push pin. It is really easy and every Mummy/Daddy can prepare at home.
一张废纸+几支彩色笔就可以把这个找出不同处的教材准备好咯~ :)

Chen using pushpin for this activity. 晨选择用大头钉来完成这个活动。

Mummy, one more please~ So i prepared another one for her. Chen using golf tees for this. 妈妈,我还要玩~所以我再画了一张给她在第二天进行。这次,晨选择用golf tee来完成活动

Finger Strength Exercise 训练手指小活动

Inspired from mummy @senapiril again~ and Chen like this activity very much! And what you need to have are : paper clip in different colors, recycled styrofoam, and color pens. Using color pens to do marking on styrofoam and use pen knife to cut a line on the marking that you done just now. Start the activity!


Hole Punching Practice 打洞练习

I suddenly came out with this idea when i used hole punches for my personal things. Just write down number 0-9 in recycled card, and pass a hole punches to your little one.

Eggshells Craft & Mashing Activity 鸡蛋彩绘及捣碎活动

Circle up the Number 圈起数字活动

This is a recycled cardboard from new shoe box. I kept it as i think maybe i can use it for certain totschool activity. And one day, i came out with the ideas which to write number randomly on the cardboard, and pass to Chen. And let her circle up the number which i mentioned. Another no cost activity!


Pictures Domino  图案接龙

Simple homeplay, Inspired by senapiril from instagram again.
Recycled pictures domino~

妈妈看图说故事:昨天晚上,我们一家去逛超市。我们选购了超市里正在促销的奇异果。在文具部,还看到达盒装的彩色笔也在促销,可是我们已经拥有一盒了,所以不必再买。晨晨突然说想吃甜甜圈,我们就到食品部寻找,可是已经卖完了。之后妈妈也买了一罐麦片,那可以晨晨最爱的早餐呢!付款后 ,我们很开心的回家了。

Happy Trying~

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