Monday 1 June 2015

Tot School : Early Numeracy Activities (Part 2) 数字早教活动(二)

After Early Numeracy Activities Week, of course we still carry on for numeracy related homeplay. I added on some counting or number matching activities inside almost every theme play. Through continuous exposure, finally she can recognize almost all the number(but sure will have mistakes sometimes)and can do counting as well.

Anyway, it is not important how good or how bad of their achievement, we are rewarded as long as children are happy during the process.

Ok, let's see what numeracy related homeplay that we done recently-


☆Number Matching Activities☆

You may refer to our post about homeplay to get all the printable sources. For most of the activities, i use magnatic dots for Chen to do matching. You can use dot sticker (mark with number) as well.
基本的数字配对游戏。属于比较早期就可以开始进行的游戏。通过这个活动,孩子们会慢慢认得所有数字。当然,父母需要陪伴游戏并适时给予指导。多数的活动里,我都是用数字磁铁圆点来进行。你也可以购入一些dot sticker然后再上面写上号码即可。

Number Matching Games during Bus Theme Play Week

But of course, before this you need to prepare some number dots for those activities. This is what i done. 准备这样一套基本数字圆点即可进行以上的游戏了~

Number Matching Games in another way. 也可用其他方法进行数字配对

☆Counting Activities☆

Can be done in many ways, here with samples from us.

Count & Clip, clothespins are great to strengthen fine motor skills for kids.

Daily Life Counting 将数量活动融入日常生活中
This no cost activity which you can do it anytime. For example, you can invite your children to count the button on  their shirt. Count on items/food that you pass to them, like can you count how many strawberries inside your bowl now? Keep repeating and they will finally know how to count~

Number recognize practice can from our daily life as well. I cut out number one bread strips for Chen as breakfast. After finished, she requested for Number 3! 😊
 从日常生活也可以进行数字介绍活动哦~今早我将面包剪成条状并告诉孩子这些是一。晨吃完后再要求一些面包,并说,我要三的面包。😊 通过日常作息,我们也来认识数字~


☆Maths Tray Activity☆
Inspired from pinterest and love this idea very much. And I'm just too lucky to found a round tray which is similar to Montessori Tray so i started this round tray activity with Chen immediately~

从 Pinterest看到这个 Maths Tray活动介绍,马上就收藏起来,想说看看能否买的合适的分格式托盘。结果几天后收拾壁橱时就发现我有一个很类似的托盘呀~本来是垃圾的托盘马上价位暴涨!然后当然是马上进行数字托盘活动。

Materials 托盘内有:
Felt Number Card 不织布数字卡
Number Magnet 数字磁铁
Any suitable mini items on hand 任何适合的迷你小物

Child uses three of the five senses; tactile, auditory, and sight to learn the sound and formation of each letter/number. Child traces on the letter on the felt number card to gain a muscular memory of the shape of the letters as a prelude to writing.

My Maths Tray 其中一些数字托盘

This is how we played with it. 我们利用数字托盘进行这些活动~


☆Playdough Activities☆

Yup, sure we can also introduce Number to our little with this simple play dough~ It can be carried out in many ways, for example:

You can prepare playdough mat for your kids as well, and below are some useful free printables which i get from internet:
1. Teachers Pay Teachers
2. Autumn Number Playdough
3. Free Number Card from Ibabiesclub
4.  Use Felt Number Card as playdough mat

Demo from our mini model Bobo~小魔豆博博为我们示范数字粘土怎么玩~

☆Puzzle Play☆

You might use lego bricks, pattern blocks or wooden blocks for sure! Below are sample from Chen.
市场上有许多拼图系列,通常可以用 lego bricks, pattern blocks, 等来拼图。当然少不了爱宝贝的自制数字木方块拼图~

Let's play while waiting for our meal. Busy bag is really important for daddy and mummy~ 在等食物时我会把Busy Bag拿出来,尽量避免电子产品。今天来玩数字积木拼图!

After i introduced Number Felt Card(Sensory Card) to Chen, every time she saw alphabets/number which is in bigger size, she will use her finger tip to trace the word~ ^^ After completed her wooden puzzle, she traced the wooden blocks surface and said 2~

☆ Rice Tray(Salt Tray) Play☆
After few times finger trace on felt number card then we move to (salt tray) prewriting practice. Of course, what she enjoy most is the rice playing session (i provided bottles, spoon, cup for her to play with)instead of prewriting practice.
通常在不织布触感卡进行了几次finger trace 练习后(晨会说,妈妈我要在米上面写字,当然一眼看穿写字是其次,她是想玩米粒~),我们会利用自制米粒托盘继续习字。网络看到多数人用盐或面粉托盘,可 是我比较喜欢用米粒 (我有稍微搅拌至碎),觉得比较好清理。然后找个合适的盒子置入米粒即可~

DIY Rice Tray 自制米粒习字托盘


 ** All Rights Reserved | NOT for Re-Sale | Files are for personal use ONLY | Please share the link to the blog and NOT the files, thank you! And for others resources that we get from others, we already linked it to the original post~ thanks all for sharing!

教材里面有些图片是取自网络,所以我们的打印教材只供个人用途,不能够转售或作商业用途~欢迎分享我们的教材,但是记得是连接到我们的部落格或面书,而非直接连接至教材哦~谢谢当中我们也提到了一些很好的资源,我们已经在文内直接连接至资源本文啦!也谢谢大家的分享! ^^

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