Friday 15 August 2014

Montessori at Home (4) : Red Week Part Two ♥ 在家蒙特梭利 (4) : 认识红色(二)

Day 3:

ღ Red Dough Dots on Butterfly ღ 红色的蝴蝶翅膀

Preparation / 准备工作 : 

Material / 材料用具 :
Red Play Dough 红色粘土

Butterfly Guiding Material 印有蝴蝶的教材纸

What we explored today/ 我们今天探索了什么 :
Fine motor skills 精细动作技能 
Red 还是红色
rolling play dough 搓揉粘土

Play Dough Recipe:

1. Mix together all the ingredients, except the food coloring, in a medium saucepan.
2. Cook over low/medium heat, stirring. Once it begins to thicken, add the food coloring.
3. Continue stirring until the mixture is much thicker and begins to gather around the spoon.
4. Once the dough is not wet, remove and put onto wax paper or a plate to cool.
5. After cooling (30 minutes) knead playdough for a few seconds.
we get the recipe from here!
Mummy guide to roll up the play dough into ball shape, but anyway, she still not able to do it well. Maybe need to play few more times then can only master the skill.

After taking out the butterfly guiding material, i told Chen, please put the pink ball onto the small circles. And surprisingly, she can understand the instruction and trying to put on the ball by her own.

Task Completed, some are filled by mum ya! 任务完成,有些是妈妈置入的。

Day 4:

ღ Red Finger Paint ღ 红色指印游戏

Preparation / 准备工作 : 

Material / 材料用具 :
Red Color Finger Paint 红色水彩

Paper 纸张

What we explored today/ 我们今天探索了什么 :
Creative Art 创意培养
Red 还是红色

today we got more members, so i added in blue and yellow to make it enjoyable.

every kids with very own style on using the finger paint

Jie using it as water paint

My run away toddlers~

Ending by mummy's art work :p

Day 5:

ღ Pairing Games ღ 配对游戏

Preparation / 准备工作 : 

Material / 材料用具 :
DIY Matching Cards 自制配对卡

What we explored today/ 我们今天探索了什么 :
Matching activities help children develop their motor skills, visual discrimination, language, and memory. 精细动作技能,辨别能力,语言发展,记忆练习
Red 还是红色

Hu~ Finally we finished our 5 Days activities, it is not continuous because sometimes we do have other activities. Anyway, for next, we are going to have... Hmmm! You will know it soon! :)


Happy Montessori at Home!

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