Wednesday 27 August 2014

Montessori at Home (5) : Shape Activities ♥ 在家蒙特梭利 (5) : 认识形状

After Red Week and before proceed for next color, mummy thinking on giving few basic introduction activities about SHAPE~ 

Day 1:

ღ Mini Shape Stick ღ 形状小叉子

Preparation / 准备工作 : 

Material / 材料用具 :
Shapes Stick 各式形状叉子 [i prepared Square, Round, Triangle & Star, which is her favorite shape]
Recycle Polystyrene Block 宝丽珑 [i get the polystyrene block from the courier package that i received]

What we explored today/ 我们今天探索了什么 :
Fine motor skills 精细动作技能 
Shape 形状认识
i prepared mini shape in different colors

Attached toothpick on the back of the shape

Divided the polystyrene into 4, and mark with different shape

I'm Ready!

This is an interesting games which child will enjoy :)

And i do prepare some basic shapes flash card for her also,

I printed out on A4 paper and paste on recycle cardboard

Day 2:

ღ Stencil Play ღ 模板画

Material / 材料用具 :

Shape Stencil Cards 各式形状模板 [i just cut out the shape on recycle cardboard]
Paper/Drawing Paper 画纸
Color Pencil 彩色笔 [or any coloring material which is suitable, i let Chen using marker pen to draw on whiteboard as well]

What we explored today/ 我们今天探索了什么 :
Fine motor skills 精细动作技能 
Shape 形状认识

Material Preparation

Here we started the stencil play!

Sketching,one of her favorite activity as well

Day 3:

ღ Montessori Educational Wooden Toys ღ 

Click here for details 使用方法/片段可以查看这里:

Day 4:

ღ Shape Puzzle ღ 形状拼图

Material / 材料用具 :

Shape Puzzle 形状拼图

What we explored today/ 我们今天探索了什么 :
Matching  配对 (形状的辨识)
Hand-Eye Coordination  手眼协调 

This is what i bought few months ago, now taking out to let her play it again~
And this also~

Montessori at Home (2) : Shape Sorting ♥ 在家蒙特梭利 (2) : 形状分类延续篇

Day 5:

ღ Shape Clips ღ 形状夹子

Material / 材料用具 :

Wooden Clips with label with shape sticker 贴上形状贴纸的小木夹子

Felt in different shape 不同形状的不织布

How to play?
Just let your toddlers to match the felt with wooden clip which already labelled with the same shape. No photo taken during the process, due to Chen is still not really good in operating wooden clips, Mummy was busy to assist Chen to open up the clip~ Anyway, she still willing to match it with mummy.

What we explored today/ 我们今天探索了什么 :
Matching  配对 (形状的辨识)
Hand-Eye Coordination  手眼协调
Fine motor skills 精细动作技能  

以上众多游戏当中,晨最喜欢摸版画游戏。整套模板已经被她放在小画板旁,每天都至少画上一次。这个游戏教具是我花最少时间+零花费下准备的~从开始的她不太能勾画出形状,到现在已经逐渐掌握技巧慢慢看的出形状,慢慢的在进步中~我没想过这个模板画会成为她的心头爱,有时候很简单的东西反而能让她们自行慢慢去研究怎么玩,怎么弄,从中思考;就像我们小时候一样,路边的小石子就能玩好久了,不是吗? :)
Chen favorite's games from this series is : Stencil Play which i no need to spend $ and just spent few minutes to complete it. She kept it beside her drawing whiteboard and will play with it everyday. This really surprised me! As i never expected she gonna to like it, as she actually can't do well during her first time playing with this stencil board. Anyway, she is doing better and better now. Sometimes, what can bring real fun to us is really something simple and cheap! 

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