Sunday 23 August 2015

认知形状(2) ♥ learning my shape (part 2)

I found that Yee starting interest on shape so I do a simple activity shape for him to play. Some of the material actually I download from internet and forgot where is the link I download from. So I might not able to share out. Below activity shape idea is come from Yee. Because he like to play car so I draw a simple shape with road topic.
Below you can see each of the tree have each angle. So it can let Yee know the shape has how many angle for the further knowledge.
 最近亿开始对形状开始有了兴趣。所就做了一些些形状游戏给他玩。 有一些是之前在online download下来给他玩。之后开始喜欢了画画就画了一些基本图案。因为还在初学当中所以都是画一些简单的来给孩子玩。这个形状的图是来自于亿喜欢玩车,所以就做了个马路的图形让亿推着车顺着马路走。让他更了解图形,同时还画了几颗树。每一颗树代表每一个形状的angle,所以可以清楚的让亿分辨出每个形状有多少个角度。

The next is shape matching. I make 2 design with color and without color. I cut the shape out with the color shape and let Yee do matching. After that let him to stick on the paper shape by shape.

This game I get it from Chen's Mum. She told me the shape can play like this. My boy like it much.
Last is dot n dot game.
一下是dot - dot 游戏。

Below link is for previous shape activity game.
Montessori at Home (5) : Shape Activities ♥ 在家蒙特梭利 (5) : 认识形状

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